VI Chemical Peel Service

VI Chemical Peel

Transform Your Complexion with VI Chemical Peel

Have you ever felt like you wanted to start over with your skin? Experience the transformative power of a VI (Vitality Institute) Chemical Peel. Though it won't take you back in time, this revolutionary skincare treatment is meticulously crafted to rejuvenate your skin and accentuate your natural beauty. It's made up of a carefully curated blend of chemicals, including salicylic acid, minerals, retinoid acid, TCA, and phenol, to enhance skin tone and texture. With the VI Chemical Peel, you can unveil a luminous complexion and rediscover your radiant glow.

Understanding the VI Chemical Procedure

The VI Chemical Peel treatment takes only 15-minutes to perform. To optimize your VI Chemical Peel experience, your practitioner will provide a comprehensive post-treatment plan, including a personalized take-home kit and detailed instructions.

You can anticipate visible results as early as day two, with flaking progressing to peeling by days three through five. The peeling will ease by day six and usually stops by day seven. After a week of healing, you'll be on your way to rejuvenated skin.

Determining If a VI Chemical Peel is Right For You

If you're unsure whether the treatment is right for you, discover what the VI Chemical Peel can achieve. This treatment:

  • Effectively targets various skin conditions, such as fine lines, wrinkles, acne scars, and hyperpigmentation, while improving skin tone and texture. 

  • Rejuvenates skin by promoting collagen production and enhancing cell turnover for smoother, brighter, and more youthful-looking skin.

  • Helps sun-damaged skin by working to reverse sunspots, uneven pigmentation, and premature aging caused by sun exposure.

  • Treats acne by unclogging pores, reducing inflammation and refining skin textures, potentially reducing acne scars. 

  • Performs preventative skincare by helping to maintain healthy skin and slow down the aging process. 

  • Offers non-invasive rejuvenation and noticeable results with minimal discomfort and quick recovery, making it suitable for those seeking non-invasive skincare treatments.

Aside from its many benefits, the VI Chemical Peel is suitable for various skin tones and features customizable formulations catering to different sensitivities. With minimal downtime, this treatment is ideal for individuals with hectic schedules, ensuring convenience without compromising effectiveness.

Discover the Transformations with VI Chemical Peel:

Common Questions about VI Chemical Peel

  • The appointment will take approximately 15 minutes to apply the chemical peel.

  • Initially, you should receive 3-6 treatments spaced 2-4 weeks apart. For maintenance, we recommend 2-4 treatments per year.

  • Potential risks and side effects of the VI Chemical Peel include redness, swelling, and temporary sensitivity. To minimize risks, it's important that you follow post-treatment care instructions.

  • No, you can get back to your daily routine at your convenience.

Schedule your appointment today at Dr. Charlie Seltzer Lifestyle Medicine and start your journey to radiant skin!